Micro-Implant Anchorage for Orthodontic Treatment of Bialveolar Protrusion

Conventional methods of reinforcing orthodontic anchorage have several disadvantages, including complicated appliance design and the need for exceptional patient cooperation. Kanomi and Costa et al.  introduced the use of titanium microscrews and miniscrews for orthodontic anchorage. Microscrews are small enough to place in any area of the alveolar bone, easy to implant and remove, and inexpensive. 

Bialveolar Protrusion Bialveolar Protrusion

In addition, orthodontic force application can begin almost immediately after implantation. In particular, microscrews have been shown to produce en masse retraction of the six anterior teeth. So it was decided to use micro-implants to treat a patient having Class 1 bialveolar protrusion where anchorage demands are critical. The patient, a 15-year-old female, had a convex profile and a Class I skeletal pattern with bialveolar protrusion Cephalometric analysis showed an ANB angle of 4°, a mandibular plane angle (FMA) of 20° and facial angle of 88°. Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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