Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs of Young Adults in Udaipur, India: A Cross-Sectional Study

Oral health is understood as a dentition which is comfortable,functional, and with such an appearance that allows thepeople to perform their social functions and daily activities without physical, psychological or social inconveniences. Oro-dental diseases are among the most widespread diseases around the globe. Although not an important cause of mortality, these may have sometimes serious repercussions upon the general health of people.oral diseases in adults negatively impact their employability and systemic health.

In developed countries,more young individuals now tend to preserve their natural teeth and the proportion of adults with functional dentition hadincreased markedly. Such changes in oral health are oftenascribed to the population’s changing living conditions and lifestyles, effective use of oral health services, implementation of preventive oral health care programmes, development of regular self-care practices and use of fluoride toothpaste. Incontrast, many developing countries are now facing problems of poor oral health and this seems particularly to be the casefor those countries where community-based oral health care systems have not been established.

In view of adverse effects of poor oral health, it is importantto take preventive measures and provide the required services.Young age groups, perhaps have the most to gain from theeffective new strategies since they are likely to suffer greaterdental disease in future unless effective self-care preventivemeasures-in the narrower sense are not used. For this purpose,it is necessary to know the prevalence of oral health problemsand understand dental health practices among the peopleparticularly in the young age group.

Oral Health


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