Perception of Teachers towards Traumatic Tooth Avulsion and Its Management amongst School Children

Dento-facial trauma remains one of the important health problems faced in childhood and causes a lot of pain and distress. It is very necessary to impart first aid care to reduce the severity of outcomes. The prognosis  of such cases are entirely dependent upon correct and prompt emergency management and correct referral, which has to be provided by the lay people available at the site.
School and home are the most common locations where traumatic dental injuries are prevalent. Falls, sports ,collisions, physical leisure activities, being struck by an object and traffic accidents are the common listed causes of traumatic dental injuries. Amongst these, fall is most common etiological factor. It is evident that these young children are predisposed to falls due to immature motor coordination andhence are potentially at risk of sustaining dental trauma  .Among the dental professionals, it is accepted that promptand adequate management of traumatic dental injury isimportant factor for prognosis. The prognosis quiteoften depends on people such as child’s parents and schoolteachers who are present at the site of accident, prior toreferral to dentist, and who have only little information about the prompt treatment that needs to rendered.

Materials & Methods:

Study design & study setting This cross sectional study was conducted among schoolteachers of public and private schools of Durg block. Sample selection A total of 150 teachers, who gave an informed consent toparticipate in the study, were included in the survey conducted between April & May 2013.

Ethical approva lThe study was approved by the Institutional Review Board ofour college and a prior permission was also obtained from theDistrict Education Officer, Durg. Questionnaire The nature and the objectives of the study were first explained to the teachers in their local language. The voluntary nature ofthe survey was emphasized and confidentiality was assured.The questionnaire comprised of an 18 stemmed questions to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding management of traumatic tooth avulsion. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. All questions included were close ended.


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