A Comprehensive Approach to Sexual Assault Investigation

Sexual violence is a widespread problem. When the word heinous crime falls upon your ears the first name which pops in our mind is rape. Undisputedly the most gruesome and heinous of all crimes against any women. Even since civilizations came into existence to curb the crime, administrators and law makers have tried relentlessly by making appropriate laws related to it, but in vain. The biggest problem faced is the proper investigation and potential misuse of these laws by unscrupulous elements, limiting the penalties attached to it. Many assaulters get less or no jail term due to less knowledgeof doctor which causes loss of evidence during physical, sexual examination of rape victim.

Detecting sexual abuse requires a high index of suspicion and expertise. Odontologist should be aware that oral or dental injuries may be result of physical or sexual abuse that sometimes can be confirmed by laboratory findings. Moreover, injuries inflicted by one's mouth or teeth may leave clues, regarding the timing and nature of the injury, as well as the identity of the perpetrator. Odontologist should carefully observe and document the findings as they are expected to be knowledgeable about such conclusion and their worth.

Sexual Assault
Bite marks are complex injuries, and their detection and analysis depend upon an understanding of the mechanisms involved. Bites are frequently seen in cases of child abuse, sexual assault, assaults. In child abuse, the marks are seen anywhere on the body such as arms, hands, shoulders, cheeks, buttocks and trunk. Sexually oriented bites can be caused at any parts of the body namely breasts, neck, shoulders, thighs, abdomen, pubis or vulva. In assaults can be anywhere on the body. Perpetrator bite marks can be also found on foodstuffs.


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