Occupational Hazards among Dentists

Occupational hazard refers to a risk or danger as a consequence of the nature or working conditions of a particular job. It can also refer to a work, material, substance, process, or situation that predisposes, or itself causes accidents or disease, at a work place. The history of occupational hazard awareness can be traced back to the 18th century when Bernadino Ramazzini, who is referred to as the father of occupational medicine, recognized the role of occupation in the dynamics of health and diseases.Occupational health should aim at the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental, and social well being of workers in all occupations; the prevention of deviation from health among workers caused by their working conditions; their protection from risks resulting from factors adverse to health. Healthy practitioners are particularly important for a successful dental practice and well-being of the patient.
Occupational Hazards among Dentists

Occupational health hazards are not uncommon, although modern dentistry has been cited as the least hazardous of the all the occupations, many risks still challenge the status of this occupation. These are found similar among dentists and other clinical dental workers worldwide and include a wide range of risks and sometimes even legal hazards. The source of these hazards is the work environment which can includephysical, chemical, biological, mechanical and social aspects.
Studies across the world have shown that, dentists as compared to other medical profession have reported more frequent and serious health problems. These problems include increased psychological stress, musculo- skeletal disorders and allergic reactions. Beside that dental professionals on daily basis are in contact with tissues, saliva and blood directly or indirectly. This predisposes them to a large number of transmitted infectious diseases. Awareness from professional hazards is essential as physical wellbeing has been proved to be connected to psychological comfort. Dentist is facing hazards like legal and suicidal tendencies too. Assessment of professional hazards among dentists is therefore an important aspect of dental profession. Read more...........


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