The Use of a Dental Dam during Implant Placement

In 1864 Dr. Sanford C. Barnum introduced rubber dams* to dentistry. Dental dam isolation is accepted as a standard procedure during endodontic treatment and has been endorsed by many professional organizations including the American Association of Endodontists, the European Society of Endodontology, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. In a recent ADA News interview withformer AAE President Gerald Glickman, the importance of the use of dental dam during endodontic treatment was emphasized.

Dental Dam during Implant Placement

Despite its acceptance in endodontic and other dental disciplines, the use of dental dam is not mentioned in dental implant literature. The benefits in endodontic would be expected to also apply during implant placement: improved visualization and reduced risk of ingestion or aspiration of irrigation solutions and small instruments. Additional benefits would include improved view of the operating field by retraction of soft tissues and enhanced visual contrast, and patients are also better able to keep their mouths open during treatment. Read more..............


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