Healthy Lifestyle For Healthy Gums

Due to improper practice of dental hygiene, bacteria in the mouth form plaque on teeth. Biofilm formed by colonizing bacteria that accumulate naturally on the teeth release toxic substances that harm the gums and cause them to become infected. Infection and inflammation that result when body attacks the bacteria can degrade gums and surrounding bone. One may experience exceptionally swollen and painful gums that are likely to bleed.

Healthy Gums
Plaqueand associated microflora have been widely accepted as the primary cause of gum disease. However, another school of thought believes that the biofilm character of plaque allows for survival of a diverse flora, including less acid-tolerant organisms, some of which can produce ammonia from arginine or urea to counter acidification. Evidence is presented by certain authors that both supragingival and subgingival plaque have active oxygen metabolism and that plaque bacteria, including anaerobes, have developed defenses against oxidative stress. Read more......................


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