Knowledge and Public Perception of Dental Fluorosis in Children Living in Palestine

Dental fluorosis is an enamel defect caused by excessive fluoride intake during the period of enamel formation, leading to incomplete crystal growth and increased porosity. Dental fluorosis is the first visible sign indicating that much fluoride has poisoned the whole body. Beside the health hazards there are other adverse effects of dental fluorosis such as high costs of other medical anddental problems and the effect on the victims and their loss of time.

Dental Fluorosis in Children
Rare knowledge of the causes of dental fluorosis may be considered one of associated risk factors which increase dental fluorosis problem because it will be reflected on people practice and attitude. Different studies have found very low knowledge on risk factors of dental fluorosis and its disadvantages. Regarding public perception, previous studies showed that more than half the children who have dental fluorosis were avoiding smiling and not accepting their appearance. In addition, parents felt worried and embarrassed when their children who had dental fluorosis. Read more...........


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