Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor and Periodontal Disease

Vitamin D has received increasing attention in recent years beyond its customary role in bone metabolism. There has been an explosion of scientific evidence which suggests the profound role that vitamin D plays in immune homeostasis. Vitamin D nuclear Receptor (VDR) has been identified as a ligand-dependent transcription factor which, in concert with its endogenous ligand, 1,25hydroxivitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3), is involved in the expression of countlessgenes. 

Periodontal Disease

In view of recent research which revealed that most immune cells express the vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR), the authors reviewed the current knowledge regarding the immunomodulatory effects of vitamin D through its VDR on peridondontal disease. This manuscript provides a viable link between immune responses to periodontal pathogens and VDR and proposes a possible immunomodulatory treatment strategy for fine-tuning the host’s immune response against periodontopathogens that would diminish the destructive aspects of the response, while boosting the defensive responses to periodontal disease. Read more..................


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