Intra-Oral and Peri-Stomal Changes Engendered by Evolution of Orthograde Posture and Bipedal Gait

Evolutionary biologists, kinesiologists and physical anthropologists have for long made the post cranial skeleton as core of their research. The metrical and morphological changes in bone and musculo-ligament size, shape and disposition that accompanied shift from a quadruped to biped gait are analysed and explained. 

Almost every pre-pelvic part of the biped skeleton reflects adaptive alterations to their anatomy as consequence of hind-limbs taking over the weight bearing and locomotor functions. Erect posture in the hominid has engendered multiple adaptive changes in musculo-skeletal and soft tissue elements. While the primary focus of evolutionary anthropological study has remained in the post cranial regions, much adaptive change in the head and neck regions brought about by orthograde posture and biped gait.  Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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