Accidental Swallowing of Orthodontic Partial Archwire

Occasionally, during orthodontic treatment, orthodontic appliances or parts of orthodontic appliances can compromise the airway or the gastroinstestinal tract andconsequently can create a serious medical problems. The dental literature reports objects that were swallowed by patients, such as dental prostheses,endodontic instruments, fragments of dental restorative materials and othersdental objects, such as toothpick and toothbrush.

Accidental Swallowing of Orthodontic Partial Archwire
The aspiration or ingestion of orthodontics appliances is less common have been reported an expansion appliance key, an orthodontic bracket, a lower spring retainer , a fragment of fractured Twin-block appliance and an archwire segment during orthodontic adjustment . The medical complications depends on the size, shape and flexibility of the object, some occurrences present minimal danger while others have the potential to be lethal. Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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