Awareness of Biomedical Waste Management Among Health Care Personnel in Jaipur, India

The term “biomedical waste” has been defined as “any waste that is generated during diagnosis, treatment or immunisation of human beings or animals,  or in the research activities pertaining to or in the production or testing of biologicals and includes categories mentioned in schedule I of the Government of India’s Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1998”. 

Biomedical Waste Management

Dental waste is a subset of hazardous biomedical (BM) waste. Dental practices generate large amounts of cotton, plastic, latex, glass, sharps, extracted teeth and other materials, much of which may be contaminated with body fluids. Hazards arising from waste disposal from dental practices can be divided into two main areas. First, there is the environmental burden of a variety of hazardous products and second, the more immediate risks of potentially infectious material that may be encountered by the individuals handling waste. 


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