Evaluation of Association between Maternal Periodontal Disease and Infant Preterm Low Birth Weight

A case control study consisting of 300 primiparous women, aged 18-35 years was conducted to evaluate the association between maternal periodontal disease and infant preterm low birth weight. 

Infant Preterm Low Birth Weight
Maternal Periodontal Disease
The study was systematically scheduled to spread over a period of 5 months from May 2008- September 2008. A multicentre study was planned in general maternity wards of various medical college hospitals in Bangalore city. From 13 medical college hospitals having maternity wards in the city, 3 college hospitals (St. Martha’s Hospital, K.C. General Hospital, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College Hospital) were selected randomly. Each hospital was surveyed for a period of two weeks on a rotation basis till the required sample size of 300 was obtained.

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