
Showing posts from August, 2017

Non-Instrumented Silver Point Retreatment Using the GentleWave Procedure

Apicoectomies are required for endodontically treated teeth instead of the preferred non-surgical endodontic therapy when biological or technical factors necessitate this therapy. These biological or technical factors may include, but are not limited to, non-healing periapical lesions, persistent clinical symptoms, separated instruments or silver points and the presence of long posts. Success rates for apicoectomies have been reported up to 78% with as many as 4% of endodontically treated teeth requiring this type of surgery. Although success rates are relatively high, once the tooth is no longer a candidate for non-surgical endodontic treatment, the alternatives in lieu of apicoectomy are limited to extraction with no replacement or replacement with a fixed prosthesis, removable prosthesis or implant. Read More>>>>>>>

Twenty-Four-Month Clinical Evaluation of A Newly Developed Zinc Reinforced Conventional-Ionomer Cement in Primary Molars

Tooth decay (caries) among children continues to be a major public health problem in both developed and developing countries globally. Commonly used dental restoratives in paediatric dentistry today include glass-ionomer cements, polyacid-modified resin composites and resin composites.  These materials are suitable for the preparation of tooth substance-saving cavities. Glass-ionomer cements (GICs) were developed by Wilson and McLean at the Laboratory of the Government Chemist in England in 1965. Fluoride ion release and uptake and the chemical adhesion to both enamel and dentin are the main advantages of GICs and have made them increasingly popular. Other clinical advantages, such as biocompatibility and the low coefficient of thermal expansion, support their use in daily dental practice. Read More>>>>>>>>

Relevance of the Phytochemicals in Aloe vera Barbadensis Miller (ABM) as Adjuvant Medicament in the Treatment of Acute Pulpitis

Mgbeokwere and Onwuka investigated the effect of phytochemicals from Aloe vera Barbadensis Miller (ABM) on acute pulpitis; a condition characterized by increased sensitivity to temperature. Aloe vera Barbadensis Miller Six weeks post treatment, all patients reported that they were free of pain; only three patients reported some discomfort during the initial 48 hours post-treatment. Read More>>>>>>