
Showing posts from April, 2017

Comparison Evaluation of Periimplant Alveolar Crest Stress/Strain Distribution Ability Depending on Alveolar Bone Density

Maintenance of peri-implant bone support is one of the most important criteria for implant therapy success. A clinical studies shows that a progressive bone loss around the implant occurs when it undergoes functioning and may lead to implant failure.  The greatest stress after the osseointegration healing period occurs at the crest. Unlike the natural tooth the implant doesn’t have periodont. Periodont is one of the main elements that provide teeth with amortization. In the presence of a dental implant, compared to a natural tooth, the stress and strain fields are altered for several reasons, including the lack of cushioning provided by the periodontal ligament, morphological differences between an implant and a natural tooth, and the differences in the material properties of the implant as compared to a natural tooth. Read more>>>>>>>>>

Introduction to a Dental and Medical Inventory, Order and Traceability Management Software

Inventory management has been already covered in the industry since many years. It is established that stock management is mandatory to avoid conflict in between demand and supply. Buffer stocksminimize the risk to be short on stock when needed to treat patients.  And we know that productivity can be improved by production on stock. This is what is called the safety stock. To implement this kind of management, we need to set up a certain number of processes to evaluate the ideal amount of stock: not too much to avoid freezing too much money and enough to answer to the clinic activity. Inventory managements are specific to the medical field, such as David R. Sinclair introduced in his article about the Inventory management and the safety stock disposable airway devices. Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Relation between saliva and caffeine consumption

Saliva is mostly made of water, in addition it contains important substances that a body needs to digest food and protect the oral cavity. Hypo-salvation can lead to many anomalies such as, caries, mucous membrane candidiasis, difficult in speech, mastication and deglutition. Many factors causes hypo-salvation, one such is caffeine consumption.  Subjects (n=11) were healthy volunteers on no prescription medications who were regular coffee drinkers. They were informed of the protocol and were asked to sign Informed Consent. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University. This was a randomized, controlled, double blinded crossover trial of caffeine effects on whole stimulated and unstimulated salivary production. Subjects were randomly (coin toss) assigned to receive 200 milliliters (ml) of either regular (180 milligrams (mg) caffeine) or decaffeinated (3.6 mg caffeine) instant coffee.  Read more>>>>>>>>>>> ...

Chronic Periodontitis and Systemic Health

The term periodontitis is used to describe a group of multifactorial diseases that result in the progressive destruction of the structures that support the teeth within the jaws, the so-called attachment apparatus, which includes the periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone.  Periodontitis resulting froma predominantly gramnegative microbial infection within the sub-gingival dental plaque biofilm is highly prevalent in adult populations around the world and much more than a localized oral infection. Recent data indicate that periodontitis may cause changes in systemic physiology. In vitro and animal studies suggested that systemic inflammation due to pathogens associated with periodontal disease may play a role in the initiation and progression of some systemic diseases. Periodontal infections should therefore be considered as a risk factor for various systemic diseases.  Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Case of Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma Arising in the Anterior Maxilla

Ameloblastomas are well-known odontogenic tumors that may be classified into several subtypes, including solid/ multicystic, extraosseous/peripheral, desmoplastic, and unicystic types.  Desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) was first described by Eversole et al. and is characterized by the presence of scattered small islands and strands of epithelial cells, and by cystic structures in a coarse, collagenrich fibrous stroma. DA is extremely uncommon, accounting for only 4%–13% of all ameloblastomas . DA usually creates a unicystic lesion. While other types of ameloblastoma occur predominantly in the posterior mandible, the site of predilection for DA is the anterior maxilla and mandible, especially the alveolar bone or dentulous areas.   PDF LINK>>>>>>>>>>>

Micro-Implant Anchorage for Orthodontic Treatment of Bialveolar Protrusion

Conventional methods of reinforcing orthodontic anchorage have several disadvantages, including complicated appliance design and the need for exceptional patient cooperation. Kanomi and Costa et al.   introduced the use of titanium microscrews and miniscrews for orthodontic anchorage. Microscrews are small enough to place in any area of the alveolar bone, easy to implant and remove, and inexpensive.    In addition, orthodontic force application can begin almost immediately after implantation. In particular, microscrews have been shown to produce en masse retraction of the six anterior teeth. So it was decided to use micro-implants to treat a patient having Class 1 bialveolar protrusion where anchorage demands are critical. The patient, a 15-year-old female, had a convex profile and a Class I skeletal pattern with bialveolar protrusion Cephalometric analysis showed an ANB angle of 4°, a mandibular plane angle (FMA) of 20° and facial angle of 88°. Read more>...

Risk of antibiotic misuse in dental care

Prescription of antibiotics in dental care is increasing globally, and the evidence reported a high level of antibiotic misuse. A survey reported that, prescription of antibiotics in Kosovo is empiric without prior sensitivity testing. This situation may result in chances of development of the negative impact of bacterial resistance profiles.  So, there is a need of implementing restrictive antibiotics policy. The rational and effective prescription of antimicrobials is imperative in dental practice, and it is necessary to implement an antimicrobial prescription monitoring system and antibiotic stewardship program. One important strategy for reaching the objective of rational antibiotic prescription is the implementation of drug utilization studies, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). PDF LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>

Risks and Management of Sodium Hypochlorite in Endodontics

Endodontic emergencies are associated with pain and swelling which requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. The main causative factors for these emergencies are pulp and peri-radicular pathosis, traumatic injuries, procedural complications;were sodium hypochlorite accidents can occur.  The impetus behind a successful root canal treatment relies on a thorough debridement of tissue remnants, bacteria and toxins from the root canal system. For a proper clean canal, mechanical preparations alone are insufficient, as reviewed by Haapasalo et al.. Several studies shows that instrumentation alone were not 100 % effective to debride and clean the canals but has to be in conjunction with irrigants. Uninstrumented areas were reported in 65% of instrumented oval canals, according to Wu and Wesselink. Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Periapical Surgery with IRM and MTA as Retrograde Root-end Fillings‒A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study of 186 Consecutive Teeth

Teeth with previous conventional endodontic root-canal treatment may present persistent symptomatic or asymptomatic apicalperiodontitis. Such teeth could be a subject to periapical surgery using amodern technique with an expected good outcome.  However, uninstrumented teeth with a need of conventional endodontic treatment can also benefit from such a surgical procedure. In a long-term perspective the orthograde retreatment of the root filling offers a more favorable outcome, 83% versus 72% for periapical surgery after 4-6 years. In contrast to that a meta-analysis from Kang et al. revealed a significantly higher success rate for periapical surgery in a short term perspective (less than 4 years) compared to orthograde retreatment, whereas no significant difference could be detected after more than 4 years. Read more>>>>>>>>>>>

The Use of a Surgical Template in Impression Procedures

A 21-year-old male patient was referred for evaluation of them upper right premolar region. The patient did not have any medical conditions and was not taking any medications that were associated with a compromised healing response. The clinical examination indicated missing maxillary first premolar. The patient was given a detailed explanation concerning the present state, alternative treatment plans, and the procedure, and informed consent was obtained from the patient. Treatment with dental implant was planned after the consultation. The impressions of both arches were made using irreversible hydrocolloid impression material, and the casts were poured into the dental stone. A diagnostic setup was prepared using the modeling wax. A template was made using a vacuum-formed, thermoplastic material.  PDF LINK