Walking 6 Year Molar

A 30 year old male patient reported to our dental hospital with chief complaint of pain in the lower left back tooth. Patient gave us the history of a restoration done three months ago. The restoration was fractured ten days before reporting to the hospital. Clinical examination revealed the fractured restoration on the occlusal surface of mandibular left first molar. Intraoral periapicalradiograph shows radiolucency involving occlusal enamel and dentine. Radioopaque restorative material is seen on the pulp chamber. In radicular aspect there are two mesial and two distal separate roots with separate root canals. Mesial roots are departed from each other towards mesially and distally. This gives the appearance of walking tooth. There is root dilaceration in one of the distal roots. Patient was advised for an endodontic treatment of mandibular left first molar. Read more.........................