How Do Dental Materials React On Tooth brushing?

Besides the wear from occlusion, the influence of tooth brushing with and without toothpastes on teeth and dental materials has been in focus of interest for many years. Due to the wide range of test methods, comparisons of the results from different studies are difficult.Different methods have been used in order to evaluate abrasion. Both the quantitative aspect, i.e. how much of the surface that has been abraded, and the qualitative aspect, i.e. the roughness of the surface after brushing have been considered. Weight and Volume loss techniques and radiotracer techniques, are examples of quantitative techniques, while profilometer techniques and light reflection techniques are examples of qualitative techniques. The development of novel composite fillings started when methylmethacrylate wasintroduced into dentistry during the 1930s, which in the beginning was a denture-based material hardened by heat curing. During the 1940s researchers were able to cure methacrylates by a cold...